.TRADE is available for only $41.99 at ABACO Hosting.
.TRADE Domains
Popular Domain in the industry
The new .TRADE new generic top-level domain will provide a secure and specialized platform through which trade partners can conduct business online.
TRADE is a trusted, secure namespace for conducting business activities. Retailers, financial traders, e-commerce websites, and anyone else involved in trade can take advantage of a .TRADE domain name.
It doesn’t matter if you’re trading locally, internationally, financially, or just looking for a trading partner—.TRADE is the domain extension for your trading pursuits.
.TRADE creates both a reliable and easily recognizable way for parties to exchange goods and services without having to worry about security.
In addition to creating a secure namespace for trade, .TRADE is a versatile and dedicated home online for the trade sector.
.TRADE Domain Name Rules/Requirements
Anyone can register .TRADE domain names on a first-come, first-served basis.
TLD stands for "Top Level Domain", but essentially TLDs are the endings that follow the string in a domain name. The ones you are probably most familiar with are .COM/.NET/.ORG, but there are many many more! The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN for short, approved the creation of new generic level TLDs (nTLDs) last year. Over 1900 different applicants applied for almost as many different TLDs.
Relax, nTLDs and new gTLDs both mean the same thing. We use the term nTLD instead of new gTLD because it highlights the defining feature of these TLDs - their "newness," and because "new gTLDs" takes up a lot more room on twitter.
The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, is a non-profit organization based out of California that is recognized by most major government organizations. ICANN is responsible for a lot of behind the scenes policy and technical work for the internet. They are involved in a broad range of projects, but are directly responsible for the nTLD process. If you'd like to learn more about or become involved with ICANN.
You tell us! We can't say for sure because there are a lot of uncertainties. For starters, we don't know which applications will be approved, or which of the nTLDs will be available for public registration. We will gather information on the nTLDs you are most interested in to make sure we can offer those nTLDs right away.
What we do know is that we are going to try to provide as many of the nTLDs as possible to our customers. We are actively working towards and planning on, making all of the nTLDs available at ABACO Hosting. Please use our nTLD Watchlist to get the most up to date information on the nTLD you are waiting for.
The cost of a domain is largely influenced by the registry (or administrator) of the particular TLD. Since the registries of the nTLDs have not been authorized by ICANN, it is impossible to tell what the price of any nTLD will be. We do expect them to be in the range of existing TLDs though.
Competition for some of the new gTLDs is likely to be fierce. Pre-registering a domain name may give you an advantage over the others wishing to register the exact same domain name. Much like standing in line for tickets, the earlier you get there the more likely you are to get one you want.
If more than one person pre-registers the same domain at ABACO Hosting, all applicants will be invited to a private auction to decide who gets it.